>>13886909shit uni, mech eng, honestly felt like I've been groomed to be an academic instead of taught engineering.
Coursework and exams are pretty much rigged, your previous years pretty much set you to a certain band, no matter how hard you work you will remain in that band (got an appeal once that increased my average from 55% to 65% (C to B-B+ for yanks), where I was peaking at 63% max, after the appeal, I was easily getting higher marks for arguably less effort. The questions asked are also highly subjective so one person's wrong answer could easily be someone else's right. I suppose it makes the normal distribution fitting easier.
Everything is done on the cheap, we had a design project, only one we got to build (in second year when we know fuck all), had a tiny budget of £250 (+£500 in shop but considering we do it ourselves it costs them next to nothing) across teams of 8 people. Everything else is done theoretically (aka you have no fucking idea if it works or not), or you have to pay out your own pockets.
The faculty is also retarded, despite grooming us more than Jimmy Savile in an orphanage, to be academics, they refuse to teach it. I shit you not we had a class for labs (aka technical writing practice), they removed the template on how to write lab reports without anything else to learn the format from because people were following the template "too much". People were writing in a standardised manner, for a standardised report structure, and that's somehow bad? Obviously it was because technical writing is easy if you follow the rules of how to write, and that made marking too hard, but it clearly shows the hierarchy of how they decide content (ease of marking, academia, engineering, in that order).
Overall fuck this uni, fuck the stag, can't wait to leave it and get a job, if anyone is considering here, don't, go Brunel or something anywhere else is a better uni and Guildford has London prices rent but with fuck all to do