Searching for chaos-robust automata in Conway's Game of Life
No.13883881 ViewReplyOriginalReport
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Here's an automata that can survive 3-cell edge-chaos.
The three green cells over on the left are python scripted to be randomized every generation. The white cells outside the green area form a structure that can "eat-up" any possible state of that green area, and remain stable forever.
Finding this 3-cell-edge-chaos-robust (a "ThreeEdge") structure was pretty easy. But this is the limit of what I've discovered. Even a 3-cell-CENTER-chaos-robust (a "ThreeCenter"), where the green box is in the center of the grid-universe, seems beyond me. I've been running the attached python script for a while now and nothing is coming up. I've even tried looking for a FourEdge, but no luck. Let alone a FourCenter. So I make this post hoping others will also look. Let's race to find them!!
Pastebin link for the python script:
Installing Golly and Python is literally just a few mouse clicks, don't be dismayed before you try.
Mods, this is a scientific topic. Trust me.
And this science is so easy that Anon can do it from his laptop.
The three green cells over on the left are python scripted to be randomized every generation. The white cells outside the green area form a structure that can "eat-up" any possible state of that green area, and remain stable forever.
Finding this 3-cell-edge-chaos-robust (a "ThreeEdge") structure was pretty easy. But this is the limit of what I've discovered. Even a 3-cell-CENTER-chaos-robust (a "ThreeCenter"), where the green box is in the center of the grid-universe, seems beyond me. I've been running the attached python script for a while now and nothing is coming up. I've even tried looking for a FourEdge, but no luck. Let alone a FourCenter. So I make this post hoping others will also look. Let's race to find them!!
Pastebin link for the python script:
Installing Golly and Python is literally just a few mouse clicks, don't be dismayed before you try.
Mods, this is a scientific topic. Trust me.
And this science is so easy that Anon can do it from his laptop.