>>13879665>https://www.avma.org/resources-tools/reports-statistics/us-pet-ownership-statisticsInteresting statistical tables here. Pet ownership in America exploded since the overall average IQ declines. Since the life expectancy declines in 2020, pet ownership has risen 7%
Interesting huh..
The higher SES (Social economic status) the less likely you are to spend $ on pets as a percentage of your income. As incomes have declined, and more people have bought more pets, more $ is being spent making sure these people have an emotinoal tampon on-call 24/7
Becaues they aren't having real relationships. They aren't building familial equity. We are living in a society that is balkanizing and isolating and now well over 50% of the pop. has an emotional support animal.
Interesting. So over the last 100 years, the proportion of wild animals has shrunk to single-digit percentages of their former levels, while the number of domestic pet animals has exploded.
There are also of course, something like 300 million animals in confinement, feedlots, etc. but we don't care about them