>>13891806You're talking about needing boots on the ground to control land.
The small males are more than capable of doing this if it's needed, and you can mass produce more of them faster and for fewer resources. They will not be "squashed", they are superior, retard. Deal with it.
This doesn't even get into the strategy where their exponentially greater fertility rate means they grow so much faster, that as they build ICBMs and nuclear arms, they can simply deter foreign threats as they outcompete economically with their massively superior economic power and fertility rates.
>>13891836Because general AI will not exist this century.
Kurzweil is already wrong. Neuromorphic computing is a meme, and there is no more increase in silicon wafers. Our compute is maxing out and will remain at this level for several decades at least, the only material that can take the place of these chips are tissues like neurons and other biological tissues, we have no idea how to work with these yet.
And by the time we start turning into cyborgs, females will become LITERAL giantesses, like giantess mother ships, who birth tiny drone males by the thousand. It will become an ant-colony like situation.
>>13891840You don't need to run as fast as Usain Bolt. These guys speed will only be a few MPH slower than his, and they will be able to maintain higher speeds for longer time because of their size. You think sprinting as fast as humanly possible is necessary?
Same for lifting. These guys will not be able to lift as much as a normal sized man. But that doesn't matter; They will be able to lift more than enough than matters for all relevant tasks.
You guys don't understand optimization. Logarithmic increase in strength and speed does not benefit the near-linear increase in resources, land, and metabolic rates that a larger male requires. Having more males for fewer resources is better economically and socially even if they're only ~95% as fast and ~50% as strong.