>>13878451Just hop on amphetamines(dont abuse them tho, if you are not going to be putting in focused work or taking care of business at any given day, dont take them) and pick up a smoking/nicotine habit. Stimulants are your food.
>>13878548>>13878567Also this. Start clocking in the hours doing your favourite bit of autism - math, music, physics, chess, etc. Those things will teach you and organize you in many ways.
>>13878538Eh, porn is boring, scrolling has to just be adapted to content thats useful(lectures, music, foreign language material for your language learning needs, some quality light reading material(atm reading some Asimov, Neal Stephenson and Gibseon.Things that dont require too much concentration, but that are also somewhat high value), junk food is unenjoyable. Physical health and meditation are generic - if you are an adhd nigger who has been doing random sports since forever and involved in various mental practices as a kid like me, then you would know both feel like wiping your ass. Yes, I can sit still and focus on my breath for an hour and could deadlift 170kg for 3 at one point and do 5x5 30kg weighted pullups, do full splits and all the jazz. Both are the dullest things Ive ever put effort to ever with the impact being unimaginably minor overall. The biggest impact on my mathematical ability overall was just fucking doing it, the auxillary things were minor/unnoticeable. Ideal lifestyle is really just ignoring all of it and starting work immediately after taking coffee and ending it at bed time, ignoring all else.