Patriarchy and white men in Science

No.13875830 ViewReplyOriginalReport
>be me
>muzzie paki
>read about sjws, patriarchy, sexism.
>think it's just a couple nutters on twitter and reddit
>Intro biology class
>podcast assignment (listen to podcast + discussion)

>story about how a young jewish woman in new york defied all odds to become a successful scientist. How men would take credit for her discoveries. How she worked so hard for her husband but was not even mentioned in his research
Basically it was just her complaining and whining about how unfair everything is

>zoom breakout room
>me, white feminine kid (I popped a boner cause I thought he was a chick, high pitched girly voice, androgynous features), two fairly attractive white girls, and one indian girl.

Now I'm just sitting there listening to them talk and how they are being oppressed by men "mansplaining" in labs and how it's so hard to be a woman. Fuck, the questions that really got me were the ones on diversity (gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation). Like fuck, I thought this shit on existed on tumblr.

I just smiled and agreed with them a couple times (participation based). After a while, even the white kid shut up because it stopped being about a lack of diversity and just the women railing against what the quoted "white men oppressing minorities)
I've never been fucking oppressed. Sure I've had some casual racism thrown against me for being a muslim, but I don't mind it.