stupid question

No.13875059 ViewReplyOriginalReport
ok i have had this retarded idea in my head for a really long time, im pretty certain it wont work but idk enough about physics to figure out why so can someone smarter than me tell me why it wont?
so if an object is moving horizontally at orbital velocity it doesnt fall towards the planet
what if two objects are tethered together moving in opposite directions at orbital velocity?
could they effectively orbit on the spot above the planet?
i imagine the tethers would have to be extremely long and probably stronger than anything we can realistically build but would this work assuming that wasnt an issue?
i mean both objects would be moving horizontally at high enough speed to not fall right?
could you design a space craft with two counter rotating hoops that spin horizontally at or above orbital velocity with the actual functional part of the craft on magnetic bearings in the centre allowing it to be suspended in space?
i know this sounds retarded and im probably being retarded but idk enough to know why it wont work, all i know about orbital physics is what ksp and scott manly taught me