>hello sirs it is me prof. Panjeet
>yes I will send you a bunch of data out of nowhere and expect you to write a report on it in a week
>yes I will collect it from experiments myself
>no I will not keep all variables constant apart from the one being measured
>yes I will randomly decide to change mass, temperature and dimension between samples and expect you to draw accurate conclusions about all three
>no I will not respond to your emails
>yes I will write 3 sentences in the lecture notes on a topic making up 20% of the grade
>yes I will upload two almost identical sets of video lectures that are 95% the same except from a handful of important details dispersed between the two so you need to watch both
>no I will not poo in the loo
>yes I will send you a bunch of data out of nowhere and expect you to write a report on it in a week
>yes I will collect it from experiments myself
>no I will not keep all variables constant apart from the one being measured
>yes I will randomly decide to change mass, temperature and dimension between samples and expect you to draw accurate conclusions about all three
>no I will not respond to your emails
>yes I will write 3 sentences in the lecture notes on a topic making up 20% of the grade
>yes I will upload two almost identical sets of video lectures that are 95% the same except from a handful of important details dispersed between the two so you need to watch both
>no I will not poo in the loo