>>13872767>>13872777>>13873412I dislike the term midwit. Some years ago, before midwit entered the zeitgeist, another term was doing the rounds: 105er.
A 105er was an individual who was just slightly smarter than average. This gave him an advantage over the average which often translated into an inquisitive mind that would unfortunately settle on the easiest answer. In essence, a 105er could peek behind the curtain, but never pull it back. The major problem with 105ers is that their natural advantage over their peers and significant advantage over non-whites gives them a false sense of superiority and vastly overinflated self-confidence in their ability to discern the signal from the noise.
Typically, 105ers will frequent entry-level redpill sites like reddit and zerohedge (despite what you may think - no, 4chan is not an entry-level redpill site).
Anyway, I'm boring of writing now. My point is that 105er is a better term than midwit for what we are trying to describe here.