The end goal of science.

No.13871837 ViewReplyOriginalReport
To make you lose touch with reality.
Scientists have managed to make mankind believe he is an animal, without concrete proof that something from one species can evolve into another species because we "need a few million years" to carry out such an experiment.
That the Earth is spinning at a very fast speed but that we "cannot notice it".
That space is real even if NASA cannot be bothered to fake a few more moon landings since it would be blatantly obvious that everything is false.
With the fall of science, mankind will look for anything to replace the God most rejected and will become easy prey for the Antichrist.
Only Jesus can save most of you, pray to Him and you will be saved.
I expect a bunch of shills claiming that this is a false flag, watch out for those blind sheep who tell you everything is fine and to trust the science; scientists and intellectuals.
Notice how most of those people got the experimental jab. Why trust them?