>>13867846I think that is a bad priority. The first thing should probably be to wipe out people in races you disagree with (pure blooded-or mixed races without any of your genes). Next, you should reproduce, and make sure your family thrives.
The next parts are to then decide what to do with those outside your race, but agree with you politically/ideologically. This is hard, what should you do?
Is it better to value those who support your ideology or family/tribe? Certainly your race should be exalted, but, should you start killing those within your race which oppose your ideologies? Also what do you do with people who share your race, but are also part-black?
There were German-Jews and they got privileges, or sometimes it went bad for them.
I think one can also look at your own family. A sibling. A good sibling and family ought to be valued, but if rivalry occurs, the best thing to do would to kill the sibling.
I think your POV is reductionist. Fix it.