It seems a lot of the time that a big issue with schizophrenia is not so much the "high dopamine hypothesis" - given that most antipsychotics are horse tranquilizers at best and pilled lobotomies at worse - but an incidence in high glutamate to gaba. In general, it seems that schizophrenics have a big issue when it comes to neuroprotective neurotransmitters like GABA or neuroprotective neurosteroids like allopregnanolone, so something to "lower" the high intensity periods of active symptoms might help, something like a strong gaba agonist like kava kava extract or some CBD which is high grade. the other hand, less on the mumbo jumbo which talks about a genetic link and not a "learned mechanism" of coping with stress that went haywire, on the more human side of things, schizophrenia might be just a full adaptation of the inner monologue which one creates about life - related to your formative years - into reality itself.
If you're suffering from this, the worse thing you can do is categorize yourself in having an issue which will "never be solved" and for you to embrace being a weirdo — the death sentence is right there.
>>13866007>but prepare to transition into being a sigma, unironicallyA good approach right there, but without neglecting the fact that most of the psychiatric data over the DSM5 about schizophrenia is good upon the categorization, but not on how to "cure" it. You'll have to solve it on your own and, even though this might sound not optimal, there's a lot of people which are doing it and professionals that have cured schizophrenics in recent times; schizophrenia being an "incurable" thing is a quite recent phenomenon. It's funny how now being schizophrenic is a worse life sentence than being possesed by a demon back in the day, what gives?
The works of Olga Ruciman might help, given that she used to be a schizophrenic and she did found a proper treatment for recovering from schizophrenia.