>>13868033All future immigration into Mars must be through Phobos first, where you are processed. In the interim, the colony below prepares all accommodations for your arrival, maps out your job, on/off-duty necessities, sets up all health and social monitoring services, sets up your currency equivalent accounts, effectively vertically integrates you into the Martian ecosystem. Once this is all done, Mars greenlights you for arrival and you hop onto a Starship that takes you down.
This forces all parties who want to have a presence on Mars, to make a conscientious effort to play ball with the dominating colonization faction present. It has an added benefit of enforcing a single standard of technology, protocol of communication, method of governance, and philosophy of currency and goods/services exchanges. All of is tied into the computing networks on planet and off-planet, of which, signals are propagated over an equivalent Starlink network; such that once more cities begin to develop on the world, migration from one to another is seamless (as energy, fuel, oxygen, perishables, and transport services will need to be highly optimized to maximize these elements of paramount survival costs such that waste is as minimal as possible at all levels).