Many GenZ women seem to getting worse (I am GenZ). Really, this is with Western Women- think about people faking DID, staning things, talking on twitter, and being overall tumors.
Why this is so, I assume Scandinavians, as they are also p***, but idk. The people I dislike are usually white, fat, and they have a buzzcut/really short hair.
I wish that the West wasn't this bad, but I don't know what to do. Is this genetics? Or environment? I feel that forcing tradition and trying to make them more traditional, masculine (like Isreali women), and smart, but I dont know.
I look at older times, like 1800s, and one still sees that WESTern women, maybe?, would probably be like today. Like early feminists, or most Nordic women. If one dislikes this "breed", then. Which is more effective? Trying to change the culture? "Raising them correctly", as I often see YT comments of "GENZ cringe..." mention. Or, is it irredeemable? Would raising them in, say, a pre-Industrial world have them act traditional, conservative, scientific? Or would they only seem to act that way because of their upbringing? And if they were to be exposed to stuff like Minecraft, or, "Tumblr", or "Non-binary-andro-asexual...etc", they would switch?
Is, then, a cultural way of eugenics (or genocide), effective? Or is there still hope for cultural assimilation, and their personalities can be molded to the core?
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>genocide This is barbaric. I would rather my descendants become 90IQ than resort to this. Raven matrices results at 5 years with immediate sterilization after unsatisfactory performance with suffice.
>>13865343 I love threads where the text is just pure shit despite being grammatically correct. It shows that the non-sense can't be blamed on missing language skills and actually reflects the incredibly poor mental state of a person.
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>>13865343 Anglo/Gaelic/Germanic mutts are a servile breed of people who will always be controlled and persuaded by their masters. They are incapable of real thoughts and thinking of them as human is basically wrong.
>>13867101 >grammatically correct Are you being sarcastic, or what?
Your master
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>>13867114 No, I just didn't actually read the text. I just assumed it was correct because the words are written correctly. But now, it's making no sense and is written in bad English.
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>>13867101 >i read OP and it made me angry thanks for letting us all know that you have a short temper like an immature child, its safe to assume that the rest of your thoughts are equally immature and childish.
>>13865343 >(I am GenZ) >Fails to compose a single grammatically correct sentence, let alone a coherent argument. Yeah, we know.
>>13867182 >i am a homosexual pedophile >i spam the science board with my homosexual pedophile masturbation material because i am a homosexual pedophile nobody here respects your opinion on any topic
>>13867207 1) I'm a girl not a fucking faggot. I have no fucking clue who the bitch in my picture is, but if you don't like it, shut the fuck up and go back to plebbit you fucking monkey nigger. AND NO IM NOT A FUCKING FAGGOT TRANNY OR SHOWING MY TITS FUCK OFF AND KILL YOURSELF
2) I didn't give a fucking opinion on any topic aside from OP's writing so I guess you're just another illiterate faggot to add to the kindling pile.
>>13867229 Proving the point of OP. Hysterical outbreaks are not cute at all :v(. And the girl in the picture is the famous Japanese family-friendly entertainer and hero of the children Usada Pekora
>>13869013 >>13867207 ADDENDUM: I agree the one you're replying to here seems like a massive faggot tho. 0/10 would not hang out with. He's way too angry as well.
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>>13869028 Damn, wrong reply making my post ambiguous. now I look like a samefag
What I meant was
>>13867207 Is also way too angry and you're right in calling him out, even though look like an utter, insecure retard (And faggot) while doing it.
>>13867229 Anonymous
>>13867229 oh my god a girl on /sci/?
let me apologize in advance for the poor behavior of some of our more... primitive members
'tis a rare thing to see a lady interested in the sciences
could i support you somehow? i dont have much, but i can cashapp you some savings if you're struggling, m'lady!
>>13869041 I know it's a hyperbolic, rethorical reply. But it's also a biting criticism of our first-world societies where lonely boys pay e-girls for just existing. It's one thing when the government does with your salaryit through enforced social welfare. But doing it of your own volition?
No wonder thirdworlders will shank and Rob us for lulz. White first-world males must look like insufferable faggots to them. Imagine living like a king and not having a sizeable harem of breedable women or at least one devoted Wife going into labor for the fifth time. Would be utterly incomprehensible to me if I were a migrant coming from the congo.
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retard zoomer babble
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>>13869054 >anon's shitpost is "a biting criticism of our first-world societies..." Anonymous
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>>13865343 >Is this genetics? Or environment? Both. Traditionalism restricted natural inclinations of both sexes, for example avp genes makes women want to cheat while men are only like that if they don't have the gene, for the sake social stability, but feminism/equalitarianism removed traditionalism as a result social stability is in decline.
BTW don't think the western past didn't have their fair share of thotry. The roaring twenties was the precursor for the sexual revolution (if not creation of the vaccine).
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>>13867229 Remember the mantra. Show tits or gtfo.