
No.13865343 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Many GenZ women seem to getting worse (I am GenZ). Really, this is with Western Women- think about people faking DID, staning things, talking on twitter, and being overall tumors.

Why this is so, I assume Scandinavians, as they are also p***, but idk. The people I dislike are usually white, fat, and they have a buzzcut/really short hair.

I wish that the West wasn't this bad, but I don't know what to do. Is this genetics? Or environment? I feel that forcing tradition and trying to make them more traditional, masculine (like Isreali women), and smart, but I dont know.

I look at older times, like 1800s, and one still sees that WESTern women, maybe?, would probably be like today. Like early feminists, or most Nordic women. If one dislikes this "breed", then. Which is more effective? Trying to change the culture? "Raising them correctly", as I often see YT comments of "GENZ cringe..." mention. Or, is it irredeemable? Would raising them in, say, a pre-Industrial world have them act traditional, conservative, scientific? Or would they only seem to act that way because of their upbringing? And if they were to be exposed to stuff like Minecraft, or, "Tumblr", or "Non-binary-andro-asexual...etc", they would switch?

Is, then, a cultural way of eugenics (or genocide), effective? Or is there still hope for cultural assimilation, and their personalities can be molded to the core?