I quit university for a year

No.13860857 ViewReplyOriginalReport
I'm in undergrad for a bachelor's in math and I gradually lost interest to the point that I couldn't care less and stopped going to classes these las two semesters, managing to get 85% by virtue of luck and clever plagiarization (thank God for stack exchange and chegg) rewording proofs and loosely following them.

After working three months, I have decided to study on my free time but my mathematical skills are lacking, unsurprising, I know. What would you recommend to a 5th semester sperg who needs a refresher for
>Proof writting
>Useful general knowledge (like in picrel)
>Real analysis (In depth)
>Linear algebra
>Multivariable analysis and calculus
>Modern algebra
>Basic topology
>Differential equations
>Measure theory
>Differential geometry
I know it's a lot to ask but Iam in dire need of help.