No.13860193 ViewReplyOriginalReport
I am so fucking sick and tired of seeing arguments about relations between simple and anti-nu spaces. Just try to refute the following. Pro-tip: you can't.

Since we KNOW that the recursion median of the Charterian particle in simple space is roughly equivalent to pi, we can thus assume that the movable in nu space is equivalent to R if considered as a particle. R is thus a variable influenced by the radius of the marked square described in the New Markensian method. Having established this, we can thus show also that anti-nu space has definable features traceable to simple space, despite what brainlets would say, because movables in anti-nu space react JUST LIKE the movable-as-particle in nu-space.

To prove this, consider the Estoris-Herjule rule in relation to martial forces but insert the variables established both under New Markensian rules and what I wrote above (assume C is equivalent to the lowest Frindsian numeral workable within the set): you would find that the relationships are eerily similar. What does this tell us? That non-movable finite spaces have INFINITE recursive elements within the nature of their own systems, that is to say, real space is not actually scalable or otherwise relatable, but absolute within its own existence only. We can see this in Larkenian spheres, Cyclade retrofigures, Xendian models, and so on.

This is the final word on the matter. And if I have to explain this to you one more time, Shiva, I swear to God, I will punch your face in the fucking SECOND I see you at Saloniki or Area Four. Get fucked.