>>13859924>When will people eat the rich?Never.
The elite aren't wizards.
Their power isn't that they can solo the entire planet.
Powerful people are powerful because they can leverage dependency relations to make others do their fighting for them.
If the masses are dependent, they cannot meaningfully regulate or rebel against the system because to do so is suicide by the very nature of dependence.
At some point the left decided that independence <=> individualism <=> selfishness <=> capitalism <=> bad.
They have been utterly useless as an anti-establishment force ever since because dependency is the source of all establishment power.
If the solution is more dependency, then it will be even more oppressive because the dependency relationships are what oppressors leverage to get their way.
This is a huge part of why leftist meme revolutions always create more oppressive systems than they started with.
They have the psychology of an abusive mother, clipping the wings of her children due to fears they might fly away if they were able.
Consequently most of her children grow to hate her, and even those that don't are powerless to help her.
The biggest defenders of billionaires in reality (as opposed to online debates) are usually the same people moralfagging about how evil they are.
If amazon hired a bunch of mercenaries to burn down small businesses to free up market share there would be an outrage.
When amazon encouraged niggers to burn down small businesses and this coincidentally freed up market share, they were being virtuous and progressive.
The only real difference is that they would've had to pay the mercenaries while they didn't need to pay the niggers.
Reality was just a reduced labour costs of the outrage scenario, and the "anti-capitalists" were the ones cheering for it.