>>13858370>the mind is a structure that can be describe mathematically>thus it is emergent that there are patterns in this structure>some of these can be said to exist within a classification known as the "sphere of evil">there exists just a pattern that can be seen in a differential system as a type of attractor>your mind is able to be infected with mind parasites from this abstract realmIt's really simple actually. It just makes soientists seethe and trannie jannies shit their pants and global ban me for no reason. I mean how can soientists say something like "math is the language of the universe" and then avoid the consequences of that statement?
The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was making us believe he wasn't real. Satan in a general idea means adversary, an adversary to that which is good. This makes sense in a contra positive way.
I think I remember some science or math guy saying something about focusing on spirituality or something.
Anyways, they will hate me for exposing them.
If you understand anything about algebra or even the simpler case of linear algebra you see that this is a trivial understanding really.
You need to give up on the immediate material world when you study mathematics and first learn about the mathematical world. So yes, demons are as real as any scientific theory or data model.