>>13856800>As Above So Below>This is a key to the Universethe "universe" is merely one elemental-kingdoms among others.
Tribes below the-horizon-of-eternity are reciprocal copies of tribes above.
Time passes at a different rate for each relative to Earth.
Time-Mass-Density (TMD) is different so each has relative buoyancy.
when Ra follows one of the three paths of the sun into the underworld each evening;
He delivered supplies and carried out adjudications of disputes;
the people were always pleased to see him because for them an entire life-time had passed.
woh!!, so one day in the underworld is an entire lifetime on Earth!!!
ok, so considering the underworld isn't very far, just immediately below the world; then how far is heaven?
we know Elohim created everything in only 6 days; yet evidence suggests it was a fuck time longer..
long story short: evolution took long time cause Venus Libra heavenABOVE is past the mid-heavenABOVE..
Elohim vacationing for a day leaving YHWH in charge resulted in Elohim fucking off until the flood of Noah...