>>13855961DMT sucks ass, it's not recreational at all. The only other reason to use it would be for psychological or creative benefits, but I think mushrooms are a lot better in that regard.
I have done a ton of designer drugs and DMT analogs, probably around 2 dozen trips or so, and none of them were actually pleasant experiences in the way mushrooms or milder psychedelics can be. Even if you are looking for a really strong experience, I think doing like 5 grams of shrooms is a better option. Shrooms mixed with K is a really nice combination, although I have only done K a few times in my life, because dissociative/NMDA antagonists tend to be somewhat neurotoxic.
>>13855977I'm not saying this is safe, but it definitely doesn't produce mustard gas. You're thinking of bleach+vinegar which produce chlorine gas, or, bleach+alcohol and bleach+ammonia, both of which are also dangerous. I'm not aware of any household chemicals that will readily produce mustard gas, but I'm not a chemfag, so I could be wrong.