About the Vaccine

No.13849480 ViewReplyOriginalReport
I would think this board would have higher than a room temperature IQ, but I guess not.

First, think about it logically. What do they really want. Money and Power. This is ALL they care about.

Money. Big Pharma gets there infinite money. No need for crazy effective or dangerous vaccine. Rule number 1 is to not kill off your own buyers.

Power. Politicians know that there will be anti-vaxxers. Who are the type of people to be anti-vaxxers? Conservatives, and those skeptical of government. They realize this. And they will let them die of covid. The vaccine works, and the stupid subservient liberals are getting it. They will survive. This is part of their plan. Kill off the people who threaten your agenda, save the cattle. Why kill off your own fountain of power.

Why did Trump lose? Well perhaps it could have been from voter fraud. But it could have been also from a shit ton of boomers who are anti vax. There was distrust with the vaccine, they didn't take it and they died. Trump would have loved to have a few extra voters.

The fact that you guys just believe this "anti-vax" psyop is so stupid. It's just a ploy for power and money. Do you want to die for not complying, they get their way. Or would you stop being petty over a vaccine and live to fight another day.

I'm not convincing you to get the jab. But you have to start thinking more...