No.13849166 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Why do they do this?

Why do they hype up the JWST like it's going to be the next hubble (or even better)? The James Webb is going on a very specific mission. It was designed for one narrow task. Like the LHC, some hope that it will end up finding other things unrelated to its primary task. Also like the LHC, there is a very low chance that it will actually do so.

I've seen retards claim that the JWST will be able to detect biosignatures and technosignatures (it won't. our best tools SPECIFICALLY dedicated for that task are flimsy at best). That it will be able to find truly earthlike planets (it won't). That it will be able to directly image exoplanets (lmao).

Why can't they just admit that the JWST is a very, very expensive telescope that will only be relevant for a very specific part of science, and even then it's likely that it won't find anything new and instead just confirm what we already knew. They are calling this fucking shit "one of the grand scientific endeavors of the 21st century".