No.13846905 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Why is this so effective?

Every academic I've known does this, the virtual meeting with their camera forcing a bookshelf backdrop

Even professors with 400 STEM publications and authors of dozens of textbooks still feels the need to arrange their zoom meetings about our paper whilst they're in front of a bookshelf.

It's like an incredible insecurity rivalling a 16 year old girl with a b cup on Instagram

pic related, this low iq subhuman retard has never read a book in his life, let alone any of the stuff on these shelves

Who is this supposed to impress? No real scientist today reads anything in hard cover, almost everything is digital anyway, and almost all poor people can read any book they want for free through the internet /scihub. More to the point... poor and low iq people dont' give a shit about books or reading/knowledge