Doctors, how do you plead?

No.13846877 ViewReplyOriginalReport
You have been accused of violating the Hippocratic oath.
You have been accused of high treason.
You have been accused of murdering millions of children via abortion.
You have been accused of killing millions with the vaccinations, including children.
You have been accused of whoring yourself to big Pharma just to make a buck; in other words you have sold your soul to Satan.
You have been accused of stealing the eyesights of billions of people via glasses which cause myopia.
You have been accused of aiding the globalists depopulation via promoting vaccines and assuring hesitant people that they were "safe and effective".
You have been accused of selling ineffective or even harmful products just so you could get your patient's money.
You have been accused of giving hormones to mentally ill people so they could pretend to be male or female in spite of their true sex.
The penalty for such crimes is death.