>>13846526>>13847402I was a long hauler first time around, March 2020. Got somewhat better August 2020 with doxycycline. Then Jan 2021 (gamestop surge) I had a week-long episode of extreme fatigue and brain fog, which I'd never had before--but after that I was completely cured
I got reinfected 1 month ago in October. This time most of the symptoms feel milder, but I have problems with my urine and I have recurring pain in my side, so I think I might have kidney damage.
>same, then I got super fucking ill with long term brain fog from a family member that got vaxxed and shed their fucking disease to me a third timeI know a family friend who DIED, not from getting vaccinated, not from catching covid the normal way, but from a vaccinated relative. The vaccinated relative visited her, and she caught covid and died. Prior to that she was isolating carefully (she's elderly) so I'm sure it was from her relative.
I also caught a bad cough when my vaccinated brother came back to visit. I'm a shut-in and hadn't gone anywhere in the last week+, so I know for sure it was my brother. Ivermectin cured the cough instantly (but curiously it does NOTHING whatsoever for long covid, and didn't prevent my 2nd reinfection).
The vaccine is certainly spreading SOMETHING, but it's subtly different from the virus itself.