>>13844602The notion of "person" has been broken down for ease of digest by Buddha 2500 years ago, then by Hume, then Parfit, all of which follow the rough/similar line of thought.
A person (or any self-identity for matter ) is not a fixed entity, let alone a substance matter (which people also confuse it with in tandem with the notion of identity). By that, we'll use the general idea of "self" to refer to "self" of any phenomena. Aka, the chair "self", the moon self, the house self, the book self, the person self, the car self, and even notion of abstract selves like the "self" of an "english language", etc. When we refer to a phenomena, we unknowingly point to a "fixed/permanent/immutable" identity.
xkcd comic did a great organ donor example few years back and it stick to me. In the same way the bock of house has no fixed "self", there is no fixed "self" to a human. Even accepting this, people will play "hide the ball" with the notion of a fixed self. By referring to various aspects of the body, like the name of a person, the memories of a person, the way they think, their personalities, their habits, their outlook on life, their job titles, etc. More so, they'll say its the whole of those that make up the "person" identity. But if you examine those individuals components, each individual components are themselves lacking a fixed identity as well, they're all changing from time to time, from event to event, etc. Many times, these parts gets replaced/removed/detached/overwritten/etc. In which case. In which case the hide the ball game has no turtles to stand on.