No.13842655 ViewReplyOriginalReport
>be medicore scientist
>literally 0 publications
>no phd at 30 etc
>stem bsc at top 300/25,000
>stem msc at top 300/25,000
>stem msc at top 150/25,000
>work at top 30/25,000
>in ai/medicine/neuroscience
>hyper motivated, and passionate about science
>meet women and few men with giga credentials, tier one schools, literally no.1 etc, perfect grades, dozens of publications, neurologist by 26 etc,
>all the women have degrees from cambridge, imperial etc
>none of them are remotely enjoying their life
>every single one hates science, hates their job, hates research, hates math, can't stand computers
>no interest in anything other than their narrow field and even that is clearly weak and they would quit if their parents died and they inherited a house

The worst one I ever met was a 25 year old woman, PHD student at the most competitive phd program in human history, and had absolutely no passion, or care, is probably going to leave science when she graduates
>Another, I asked her about her phd in cancer, genomics she's 10 + years into the making molecular bio, etc and she could barely explain what her work is, and was more interested in talking about social interactions with her lab mates.

What's going on here?
Why are all the people with the most elite credentials the least motivated or passionate about their field compared to the middle?