I'm fucking fuming right now
>be me
>enter the lab we use to do some wet lab work for my internship
>the bench is a mess, someone spilled gel on it and didn't clean it
>third time I walk into someone else's mess
>fuckthis.jpg this time I don't clean it, literally not my responsibility and I have work to do
>some Pi who I don't know sees me there working
>next day the mess is still there, come in to get my samples
>as I'm about to leave she questions me about the mess
>tell her I found it like that and that I'm tired of cleaning for others
>she asks me from which lab I'm from, I tell her
>ffw a couple of days
>she told a professor it was me who made the mess
>said professor goes apeshit since it apparently is years people leave that bench dirty, speaks to my prof and supervisor saying I'm banned from that lab forever (I need that lab for almost everything I do)
>Prof and PI tells me not to go to that floor that day to not start an argument
>I needed to and now a week of work is gone down the toilet
This guy doesn't even have the balls to come and talk to me in person and I get to lose precious time for his emotional ass based on proofless accusations.
I'm so fucking mad, and my peers tell me to chill and to take it easy and that "you always loose weeks of work, it happens, relax" like this is something I had any control of, of fucking course I'm taking my work here seriously, I'm trying to build a career for myself and this is the only thing I have going on for me, I wasted expensive lab stocks and I pay out of my ass just to breathe here (studying abroad), internship has a fixed number of months and I should be okay and chill losing a week (possibly more) of my work?
I give all I've got everyday to be repaid like this.
I am fucking furious.
>be me
>enter the lab we use to do some wet lab work for my internship
>the bench is a mess, someone spilled gel on it and didn't clean it
>third time I walk into someone else's mess
>fuckthis.jpg this time I don't clean it, literally not my responsibility and I have work to do
>some Pi who I don't know sees me there working
>next day the mess is still there, come in to get my samples
>as I'm about to leave she questions me about the mess
>tell her I found it like that and that I'm tired of cleaning for others
>she asks me from which lab I'm from, I tell her
>ffw a couple of days
>she told a professor it was me who made the mess
>said professor goes apeshit since it apparently is years people leave that bench dirty, speaks to my prof and supervisor saying I'm banned from that lab forever (I need that lab for almost everything I do)
>Prof and PI tells me not to go to that floor that day to not start an argument
>I needed to and now a week of work is gone down the toilet
This guy doesn't even have the balls to come and talk to me in person and I get to lose precious time for his emotional ass based on proofless accusations.
I'm so fucking mad, and my peers tell me to chill and to take it easy and that "you always loose weeks of work, it happens, relax" like this is something I had any control of, of fucking course I'm taking my work here seriously, I'm trying to build a career for myself and this is the only thing I have going on for me, I wasted expensive lab stocks and I pay out of my ass just to breathe here (studying abroad), internship has a fixed number of months and I should be okay and chill losing a week (possibly more) of my work?
I give all I've got everyday to be repaid like this.
I am fucking furious.