>>13841108>I made this very clear in the first post. You can eat and not gain weight due to various reasons but you can't be fat without eating too much because it's impossible to convert the things you eat into more energy. That's what that means. The fact that you fail at basic reading comprehension like this makes me laugh honestly, the midwits I swear.I'm not the anon you were arguing with, so your last point is moot.
You are right, people who are fat are obviously eating too much of the wrong things. You are right, the fat doesn't appear from nowhere.
But look at our country, look at a lot of Western countries. We are overwhelmingly overweight/obese and it's causing a gigantic drain on our resources, and untold damage to our mental health and competitiveness.
This does not need to be though. Asia, for example, follows a very high vegetable, high fruit, high fermented food, low fat style of eating which is exactly what is being promoted for gut diversity.
The result? While still consuming more calories than necessary, they've found that the excess energy in carbohydrates gets burned off instead of stored as fat. It's also been found that your body does not actively like to store energy as fat. Why would it? Fat can be very harmful to your health.
I linked the China Study above, which is extremely comprehensive and compiles data from thousands of studies across China. The results are clear. It is not about how much we eat but WHAT we eat instead. High-fat foods aren't especially great, and they do tend to harm gut flora, but it's processed food that is really killing us. That is why in the past, obesity was practically non-existent, and it wasn't just because of greater physical activity, and the people certainly weren't starving. It was because they ate real food, and their guts weren't damaged with chemicals like glyphosate, atrazine, etc that limit gut flora. This is important, because in the OP it also says the bacteria consume a portion of cals too.