>>13837503>everyone and their mother is using it as wellAdderall can be effective for many people with ADHD but not all people with ADHD. This is why people with severe ADHD who have difficulty functioning in society are medicated with Adderall and other stimulants and non-stimulants because it helps them. Without treatment, they can't finish high school, and end up unemployed or even homeless. People with ADHD have problems with focus, attention, and being easily distracted. Even with medication and therapy, they can still struggle compared to their peers. But if it helps with that disorder, shouldn't it help normal people as well? The short answer is no. This is because of the Yerkes–Dodson law. People with ADHD have lower levels of arousal compared to normal, healthy people that have optimal levels of arousal. Notice how I didn't say high levels because the law shows that higher levels of arousal will actually impair performance. So while meds may help push people with ADHD towards optimal levels increasing their functioning, for healthy people it will push them out and away from the optimal zone greatly decreasing their performance. In the same way that if a non-diabetic injects insulin, it won't help them because their body is able to regulate blood glucose levels and moreover can put them into a coma and/or possibly kill them if the blood glucose levels drop far enough away from the normal range. But back to ADHD it's also because the meds are expensive, have many side effects, and don't even help you with performance. Plus it's neurotoxic for normal people because, again like I said, it pushes certain synapses away from healthy levels of functioning towards dangerous levels. Then you have the withdrawal effects when you decide to get off. So yes, it's pretty stupid to take medicine if you don't need it.