No.13832753 ViewReplyOriginalReport
if you are one of those students who somehow manages to score well on exams without even studying, i wanna beat the fuck out of you

>all 3 roomates taking Real Analysis
>2 of us study religiously putting no less then 7 hours of study in the days leading up to midterm
>obsessively catalog all proofs / notes we went over in class and even go to office hours
>theoretically model the most probable set of exam questions given data not limited to but including other university analysis courses
>buy stupid shit like fish oil or nootropics (meme supplement) to hope to obtain an edge
>despite this i fucking FAIL the exam scoring into the 60%s only geting a passing 70% after curve (roomate #2 didnt do much better)
>the third fucking roomate who barely even studied if any as we know since he lives with us unfairly scores a fucking 90% saying stupid shit like 'it just clicked for me' when we pressed him on how he managed to do it dudes been watching league of legends finals all week instead of preparing while both of us literally modify our entire days in preperation

how the fuck do some pieces of shit effortlessly score good on exams we all know that one kid that dosent even have to try and still moggs everyone studying double digit hours (dont fucking meme >hurr durr like ur iq) fuck you its truly over for us IQ-lets this is why im afraid of taking an iq test with such poor results like this exam i prob wouldnt even score into the 110s ffs while he scored somewhere in the low 130s

this isnt fair