intelligence improvement of other species

No.13832705 ViewReplyOriginalReport
One question bothered me for quite some time, so I wanted to know smart people on /sci/ in hopes you would be able to enlighten me on this matter.
How would you need to approach the task of improvement of intelligence of other species?
Let me take an example.
According to the book "The Intelligence of Dogs" by Stanley Coren the smartest dog breed is a border collie.
Let's say we have a border collie dog.
To determine its intelligence we perform tests as in the book:
1.Understanding of new commands: fewer than 5 repetitions.
2.Obey first command: 95% of the time or better.

if we would find it another partner that ialso shows very good results at tests then we can probably have as smart offspring as their parents.
But even if we would breed collies like these for several generations I doubt they would get much smarter. Eventually it will basically hit the wall I suspect.

What would be a trigger factor for a specie like a dog to start develop something like human speech recognition, where it would be able to normaly understand certain phrases or form more complex behaviour.
I'm exaggerating but what would it take for a dog to be able to count for example and calculate simple problems?

I don't understand what triggers shift in intelligence that would go over the limits of the usual species behaviour