Anyone notice how terribly H1B indians behave with the JEE exams?
No.13831609 ViewReplyOriginalReport
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Remember to block provision 60002-60005 in the Build Back Better Act (BBB) by contacting Senator Durbin.
>No we don't want more scamming pajeets that keep their shit culture and harp on about how difficult the JEE is in our own country.
These provisions will give all 80% of all green cards to Pajeets.
Pajeet shills are on full force on twatter.
Pajeets are already throwing the other immigrants like the Eastern Euros under the bus just to be a greedy subhuman.
Do you really want these types of people in America?
Remember to block provision 60002-60005 in the Build Back Better Act (BBB) by contacting Senator Durbin.
>No we don't want more scamming pajeets that keep their shit culture and harp on about how difficult the JEE is in our own country.
These provisions will give all 80% of all green cards to Pajeets.
Pajeet shills are on full force on twatter.
Pajeets are already throwing the other immigrants like the Eastern Euros under the bus just to be a greedy subhuman.
Do you really want these types of people in America?