Poincare Recurrence

No.13831372 ViewReplyOriginalReport

>After an unfathomably long time every state of an isolated and dynamic system that has an unchanging set of physical laws will be repeated (such as shuffling a deck of cards).

>The number of baryons in the entire observable universe is estimated to be around 10^80. Every single baryon will arbitrarily return to the initial state of the big bang.

>As a result, a new big bang will emerge. Every possible arrangement of elementary particles or micro-states will be repeated. Given a huge amount of time, everything will eventually happen.

>After you die, if there's a non-zero probably that a Poincare Recurrence will take place and create every possible state, then there is a guarantee that you will be included in some of those universes. The configuration of the physical and mental states of every person that ever existed will be created endlessly.

Is this true, /sci/? Will I be reborn into an identical Universe and repeat the same life after I die?

Or is the Universe too probabilistic and unquantifiable to ever be able to repeat itself?