The primary reason you don't hear about IQ publicly is because the world is too spiritually and morally bankrupt to deal with that kind of information and is looking for an excuse to revert back to WW1-WW2 level greusomeness or extemely high levels of social aggression as such that life will become even more unlivable for the poor than it already is
IQ will become an excuse to label others lesser humans or even as "subhumans," and if it ever gets popular again it will be the excuse elitists need to destroy the lives of the underclass and bascially enslave the remainder until even above average people by the current standard of IQ are basically slaves
This could also mean that elites are waiting for the right opporttunity to use IQ as demoralization propaganda
IQ will become an excuse to label others lesser humans or even as "subhumans," and if it ever gets popular again it will be the excuse elitists need to destroy the lives of the underclass and bascially enslave the remainder until even above average people by the current standard of IQ are basically slaves
This could also mean that elites are waiting for the right opporttunity to use IQ as demoralization propaganda