No.13825028 ViewReplyOriginalReport
provided you sleep 8 hours a day and maintain for about 2 hours including eating.
you get about 50k hours in 10 years if you don't have to work
what could you master in this time to stay ahead of technology and be as knowledgeable to access the most advanced functions.

genetic engineering // computer ai // biological computer interface
biology / computer engineering / bioengineering / Mechanical Engineering

ive listed these for pursuits of immortality, ai (singularity), and post-human bio-human interfacing for superhuman qualities.

crispr is the most cutting edge and will be available until some sort of gamebreaking move is made where lives are at stake.
nextmind and neuralink are the most advanced in terms of computer/brain interface, very interesting and could go very far.

what can i study to stay ahead and take advantage of this stuff as soon as it's feasible and available?