You're doing immortality wrong

No.13823342 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Idk why everyone who wants to cure ageing isn't being objective and realistic about it. All the researchers and academics currently engaged in the subject go about it the completely wrong way.

You will never, ever beat entropy. Period. Nothing can, it is an unavoidable law of the universe. Don't like it, well that's tough fucking shit. Everything gradually breaks. Now, you could SLOW entropy, and you could REJUVINATE the body, but both of these are bandaid methods that can only buy us time. They cannot reverse your ageing in the truest sense. You still age always.

Be fuckin' realistic, we will never discover how to make a human body last beyond 150 years, it just fundamentally isn't built to handle that. That much is clear. We are NOT dealing with a biological problem, we are dealing with a real, PHYSICAL problem, namely the law of entropy. STOP trying to bandaid the solution by extending lifespan, it is wasting all of our time. You can only squeeze so much out of us before the human body reaches its physical limit of what is possible.

You wanna be immortal? You only need 2 fuckin steps.........