>>13825000Nigger, you sound like the example of the neverending questioner - crrating a meaningles querry without an aim, the type ancient greek philosophers warned against.
Asking questions is easy.
You are asking them with false presumption, that the answers will bear final solution, but instead you keep asking more questions. Like asking why roulette table has these odds? Why it is set? Why does it not matter if tou play 100times round after round, or join in and jump out. Would statistics change if you played on 2 tables?
Not realising that even the deepest scientific question wont solve the problem.
The problem in this case for example is simply realizing that it is not the issue that one vall falls rather randomly in one of 37slots, the issue is that the payouts are fixed by casino, to create impossible to beat house edge. E.g. even the bruteforce martingale system cannot beat it as it reaches table bet limit.
This statistics example is why questioning something aimlessly carries you away from the problem and the solution.
If you ask questions out of shere curiosity, then read a book on the subject. You almost argue with people who answer questions that you asked (thus did not know).
Science knows what it knows and theorises about the rest. Science says something is a fact rarely, because it likes review and evidence. So obviously a lot of historical and biological questions are just educated speculation.
We know evolution is a thing. We sort of know how eyes ocurred. No we dont know for sure how they emerged. WAit till we can travel in time in billion years and see for yourself why eyes came around.