Learned Helplessness

No.13822456 ViewReplyOriginalReport
How do I overcome learned helplessness?

Ray Peat says:
> Learned helplessness is a biological condition that is created by inescapable stress. In this state, animals that would normally swim for hours will stop swimming after a few minutes and allow themselves to drown. They simply don’t have enough mental or physical energy to overcome challenges.

This describes me well. I can't ask for the smallest thing in case I get turned down, even if the odds of being turned down are close to zero. I don't try anything new. I can't even weigh vegetables for fear of not knowing how to use the machine. This is different from anxiety, because it even happens when I'm completely alone.

Ray Peat attributes learned helplessness to high serotonin and some kind of thyroid issue, but his science is pretty alternative, and I don't even have a good understanding of the mainstream view yet. Are there any known treatments to get people out of these traumatic ruts?