>>13826418They grow exponentially faster, while being able to support more people for fewer resources, and are have enormous advantages in economic output and military power.
>>13826424>this lengthy cope Sorry anon but I am more handsome and intelligent than you.
We begin the transition once we more precisely modify hundreds of genes at once (despite what you may have heard, it's still hard to modify hundreds of genes in a germline with the Cas9 system).
Assuming even just 10 million people are modified, and from there an average of 1.5 pregnancies per woman, they will grow to become ~6.5 billion people in 4 generations. And this is assuming only 10 million germlines are modified and 1.5 pregnancies per women. In reality both these numbers will be greater.
Also remember, that because of the small men, they don't need nearly as much energy or food to support a larger number of people. For the same amount of land energy and food it takes to support ~2.6 billion normal sized people, we can support ~6.5 billion giant women and small men.
By 2050, there will be over 50 billion of them.
There is no stopping this. It starts in about a year and a half.