>Free willThere's no free will. There's no soul to which the free will is attributed toward. More so, people are confusing "free will" with causality. Whenever someone say "this is my will" or "It was my choice", they're not actually talking about "free will" but rather they're talking about causality, specifically causality with reference and proximity to the body. It is because of causality that people's actions can be attributed as "their own." Otherwise, you would just be labeled a schizo when you claim the actions you took came from outside the bounds of causality.
Think about it. When I post this comment, I'm saying this is my choice/responsibilty/under my will ONLY because there is a chain of causality. I saw the thread with my eyes, which triggered a response from my memories and knowledge of the past, which conjured up an idea in the head, that led the my hand moving towards the mouse and subsequently clicking on the thread and further clicking reply, then moving the hand over to the keyboard to type these sequences of words and sentences to convey the thoughts and ideas triggered from the initial interaction between perception of this thread and internal memory/knowledge in the head. That is the so called "free will" aka chain of causality in which there is a direct connection between the body and the action/result.
Actions lacking a causal chain of connections would make you into a deranged/mentally ill person. Think about an action that you claim is your own but doesn't have a causal chain. There are none.