Cheating on "IT" Classes

No.13818758 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Hey gang,

Just wanted to swing by and give yall a quick little heads up about me cheating in my information systems degree.

Being a landlord is oftentimes rather annoying so the stress disturbs my studies greatly. I've decided to cheat using a labtop (with a TouchPad) and my iPad. For the iPad I will buy a mouse and a stand. When exams start I will show the guy my room using the labtop Webcam. I will gently press the iPad on the back of the labtop so he can't see it. Then I'll place the iPad behind the labtop (here the stance comes in) and control it with said mouse. To the examiner it will seem as if the mouse belongs to the labtop. If he thinks I'm cheating I will use the TouchPad to move the coursour similarly to the mouse in my other hand. Since the iPad is close to the labtop, it will seem as if I'm looking at the labtop screen.

This degree is literally a piece of paper and only one usefulish skill is being taught. Everything else is fucking regurgitating. In my free time I will pursue my interests and study for useful certificats part time. Like computia etc. (I wanna get into networking / security). For the mathematical classes I will hire friends that are getting their mathematics masters degrees.

Fuck colleges and their bullshit. Just let me do certs and have them be worth credits.

Kind regards.