No.13817391 ViewReplyOriginalReport
>science has the ability to cure cancer, create clean renewable energy, fix all sorts of issues that have been troubling the Earth for hundreds of years
>"uhm actually lets see what happens if you shit on a frog. That'll definitely have some big scientific implication someday. Give us $300,000 in funding now please"
>"Wow thanks to ____ company I've now installed a $10 million dollar telescope to go look at a star that is impossible to see with the naked eye and literally has no impact on my existence or humanities existence. Let me just write down that it's big and it's white and i'll name it MagnumLux45"
>What if we made a bomb.....but really really big, and then we made it even bigger and plunged the earth into chaos. Also we'd mix it the world deadliest virus that kills people in 5 seconds and we'd give it to an untested AI. It'll be epic.
Why does this happen? Why can't scientists stop studying garbage that doesn't matter and instead focus on things that do? Why do companies and governments fund bullshit experiments that either have an insignificant impact on the world or are trying to annihilate it?