No.13816586 ViewReplyOriginalReport
>no woman in human history has ever accomplished anything, invented anything, discovered anything or started any business worth anything. And all of a sudden a 19 year old (dating a 50 year old UHNWI) has invented a trillion dollar product after 2 months in bachelors university she got into as she competed against 20 other women for her place whereas the men in her class competed against 50,000 other men and are almost all virgins, all have 140iq + confirmed and won't start businesses until 40-50 a decade after their post docs.

The average woman is infact a NET loss to the tax base despite having more degrees, more likely to be employed etc The average woman has more access to capital, more time to study, more free time to spend thinking yet they have produced absolutely nothing

>women are 170% more likely to receive an offer when competing for a job against a man with identical qualifications and experience.