medicine is pseud and should be dropped from STEM

No.13816459 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Consider the following, at the bottom of mathematics we have axioms and likewise for medicine (i) 'every patient reacts differently to treatment x' is a self evident property
in the field.

As a direct consequence giving precise definitions and relations are incompatible i.e consider how it is NOT the case that there exists some treatment y such that for all patients p then p(y) = x .
Even to the untrained mathematician it is evident this why is psychiatry is at best a guessing game hence why they define conditions
like mental disorders as non empty sets of symptoms that cant be expressed in some f, f(s,s1,s2, for n symptoms.

The Lethal Dose 50 is the best measurement medfags use when considering a set of patients crossed with some lethal nontreatment which at most describes how a subset of
that set of patients responds to some treatment which is a nontreatment. This is as formal and precise as the "50/50 either it happens or it dosent" meme leave it to medicine brainlets to still not have
figured out how the brain works.

You will never be as precise and rigorous as mathematics, cope even though by definition this means different copes for every medfag