mind reading

!!hkG6jdRLt1R No.13816015 ViewReplyOriginalReport
today i was shown another neuralink device. well, this one surprised me the most. a monkey was able to play pong with its mind. they implanted a device into the monkey's brain that was connected to i think 2000 neurones or something. they then played a game with the monkey where the monkey had to move a white dot to an orange square and from that they were able to correspond the monkey's subconscious movement thoughts to its hand movements. the monkey is then able to play pong with its mind. notice how the monkey doesnt even move its hand. it has the subconscious thought to move its hand but it doesnt. this means that it is truly a thought and the device is truly reading the monkey's mind. there arent many steps left to take really, a device that can read visual, auditory, touch, ect thoughts is not far away. also, if how you process inputs is also studied your vision and other senses can also be controlled. and note that your thoughts are probably the brain inputting sound and image ect back into itself so once that is studied, your thoughts will be able to be controlled as well. the future looks dark