>>13828681The ultimate tactic of the incel is to imply anyone who disagrees with them is either a woman or, worse, one of them.
>e-e-njoy chads leftoversBro, I am Chad. Cry more, girly-boy.
>>13828682>y-your s-stupid!Nerd guy equivalent of a girl calling another girl ugly.
>y-your obsessed!No, I am entertained.
>>13828685>s-s-strawm-m-maaaaan!!!!!!!!!!More insinuations that I lack intelligence or I am mentally unsound. I noticed a trend and told you exactly what's going on - incels are just shitty women stuck in male bodies - and your only response is to call names and insinuate I'm a low quality male. You're just a woman, my guy.
>>13828686Yes, back to the DNA.
>>13828688>>13828694>SEXIST SEXIST SEXISTIt's cute that you think sexism offends me.
>>13828691Charming psychos get women hand over fist. Of course you need the look, but there's plenty of pretty boys in the world not getting fucked because they're too beta to use what they've got.
>all these repliesIt's amazing that all I had to do was point out that you "guys" act like women, and now all of you are screeching at me like a banshee hoard. I might as well have taken a sign that says "Daddy Issues Convention" to a feminist rally.