>>13815580Same. The only reason I want to get rich is so that I can artificially recreate my academic life as much as possible. Not the just the beautiful campusses, smart fellows students and professors, college dive pubs and prime pussy etc. I mostly just want to study all day and only occasionally do research or talk/work with other sholars.
I feel really bad for people who either never experienced university or wasted it by grinding or doing it on a shitty campus. It is genuinely the best part of modern life and nothing else has ever come close to it. I will hopefully have enough property assets at 35 to retire in some college town.
I really understand people who say they "don't want to spend more time at university" etc. ...like what the fuck do you think you will find out there lol? For less than 7 figures there's nothing more interesting to life you can buy. I think it's mostly incels who think they need money to attract a wife. The time you get to spend learning things is literally the best time of your life and you will have to pay a fortune to get time for it in the future where there are no more scholarships/student support for you. Enjoy university more you dolts.