I propose the source of dark energy is composed of the non-local informational manifestations of interactions between our brane and an adjacent. The source of “dark energy” is the energy transferred/required to make a historical account of the interactions between the two branes, aka the informational manifestations of these interactions as opposed to vacuum fluctuations. The source of the energy in this transfer is from the still unknown source which was drawn on & provided inflation through the inflaton field. unless the properties, especially the energy contained within or available to draw upon for the “main brane” predictions of what happens at t=infinity can not be determined. The relationship between dark energy and inflation can only be approximated but if it were determined one would be able to be calculate and visualiz the geometry of the metaverse. If the net energy in the system can not be calculated with two or three branes this could lead down a “Matryoshka-fractalization” rabbit hole. Rather then being scalar, the field properties derived from the informational interactions must be limited to the net energy contained within the main brane and any subsequent branes it is contained within.
The vacuum energy is not necessarily entirely comprised quantum fluctuations but rather derived from the increasing informational complexity of the interactions which occur as one or either of the 2 branes expands relative to the other. Again, the Matryoshka nature of interactions between n and n^(n-1) leads to a fractal interpretation of the energy transfer thus, informational energy being diffused by the ever growing expansion.
The vacuum energy is not necessarily entirely comprised quantum fluctuations but rather derived from the increasing informational complexity of the interactions which occur as one or either of the 2 branes expands relative to the other. Again, the Matryoshka nature of interactions between n and n^(n-1) leads to a fractal interpretation of the energy transfer thus, informational energy being diffused by the ever growing expansion.