>>13813836>your average terrorist has no idea what gibbs free energy is or what pressure is or who boltzman is, etc. all they know is thing get fire, thing go boom100% true. The average Terrorist is more informed and talented than the lower tier terrorists who are basically pure emotion and zero planning thought, but they are less insightful than the high level terrorists.
>>13814687>Many high level terrists are engineers and had middle class or rich families, such as Osama.This is true. 100%. Most of the high-level terrorists have some wealth and education in their background and/or became friends with such a group in early age. Some are literal jihad dedicated, some enjoy the spoils of earth, but plan and fund from afar.
I wish we we would focus less on the high-level, and average terrorists (who get plenty of attention on 4chan) and focus some on the incompetent and lowest-level terrorists. These guys typically go out and get jailed the night before an operation. Ignorance, disability, poverty, difficult home life... Many things foil the plans of the very lowest-level of terrorists, yet they get no attention, and meanwhile the average terrorist, and the high-level terrorist are sort of anti-heroes ...